Our friends from "Friends" are back for a special


Released on September 22, 1994 and completed on May 6, 2004, the iconic series of the 90's, Friends, which included Jennifer Aniston (Rachel Green), Courteney Cox (Monica Geller), Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing), Matt LeBlanc (Joey Tribbiani), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay) and David Schwimmer (Ross Geller), will return for a special. After 10 seasons and no less than 236 episodes, the actors of the series announced on Instagram their return. Internet users were able to read the caption "It's happening": return confirmed by the press release of the HBO channel. This special meeting will be an opportunity to celebrate the launch of HBO Max (developed by WarnerMedia), launched in May 2020. It will also be an opportunity to revive interest in the Friends license, 25 years after its debut. However, it will only be a show and not a new episode of the Friends series, although many fans have requested it.

HBO's press release on Friends:

"After 15 years, nine months and countless requests around the world, we have the exclusive information you have been waiting for. The cast of Friends will reunite exclusively for a special on HBO Max (…) I guess you could call it "The One where they all gathered." The series is set in a time when friends (and audiences) were coming together in real time."

Directed by Ben Winston , the show will be filmed at the series' original Warner Bros. studios in Burbank, near Hollywood, where the sets of the Central Perk café are kept. Friends has become, over the years, a reference that has marked generations of viewers. Much more than a series, each episode is an opportunity to find his "band of friends". In addition, if you want to watch the show, go as early as May 2020, for the abonné.es of HBO Max. In the meantime, you can find them on Instagram: @courteneycoxofficial, @lisakudrow, @mleblanc, @mattyperry4, @_schwim_ and @jenniferaniston.