The Frangines unite their voices in Homage to Notre-Dame de Paris


In a clip released on April 15. It is with delicacy and philosophy that the Frangines wanted to pay tribute to the cathedral of Paris.A memorable date, because it represents the anniversary of the fire of the cathedral. 

The Frangines?

It is a duo composed of two friends, Anne Coste and Jacinthe Madelin who have different musical genres: French variety, pop-folk and acoustic music. The Frangines

Their new music video

On the quays of Paris, near the cathedral of Notre-Dame.The two young women approach a barrel organ player. The music paper begins to scroll and the Frangines – Anne and Jacinthe, the successful duo created since 2017 – marry their voices: "The fire burns in our hearts too small. Which lights up little by little in the night. And our eyes with one begging voice. See the flames ravaging Notre-Dame." Marked by the Christian universe in which they grew up, an almost spiritual message emerges: "We all have a cathedral to rebuild, to rebuild. We all have in us the good, the evil. Which catches fire sometimes." Their song is an invitation to do good in itself. "Good can come out of a tragic event. What is beautiful about this event is the 'good' that emerges from it, the unity that flows from it to work for reconstruction." The chorus of their song is eloquent on this point: "We all have a cathedral. To rebuild to rebuild. We all have good and evil in us. Who sometimes catches fire to tell us." Discover this new clip of the Frangines without further delay!