After a theatrical release initially scheduled for July 17 and a date postponed to July 31, Christopher Nolan's new thriller is no exception to the rule of never two without three! The news has fallen, the release of Tenet will finally be on August 12th. It will make us still be patient to be able to appreciate it on the big screen. It is also the same for the release of Inception which is also concerned, passing from July 17 to July 31. The cause of this blow for Christopher Nolan? The rise in COVID-19 cases in the United States. Indeed, since Monday, June 22, La France has had the chance to reopen their favorite cinemas to its moviegoers. This is not the case for our American friends who have no idea when they will be able to taste the pleasure of the big screen again. This vagueness is at the origin of the decision of Warner Bros, as they specify in a press release,
"Warner Bros. wants to bring Tenet to audiences in theaters, on the big screen, when exhibitors are ready and health officials say we can. At this time, we need to be flexible. And this release will be anything but traditional. We want to release the film midweek to give audiences the chance to experience it at their own pace, and we plan to leave it on the screen longer."
As you can see, for the journey through the world and space-time that Nolan's 11th feature film promises us, we will still have to wait. And this for perhaps a better trip… See also: Did you notice? Tenet had to change its logo because… From a bicycle brand