The Shy series has entered two volumes into a new story arc. Retaining its decidedly shonen spirit, the work nevertheless adopts a darker tone while the ever-present action leaves room for introspection and exploration of the past of our heroes and their enemies. This 11th volume is no exception to this rule confronting Shy with his painful past while the universe is still growing both on the side of heroes and villains.
Shy at all costs
Previous victories against Amalarilk (see here the review of volume 10) have only fueled the anger of this group of supervillains. Their leader, the mysterious Stigma, has set new goals: to capture Shy. Indeed, the young heroine of Japan has developed an amazing ability. She manages to interfere with the rings, these still unknown artifacts that each member of Amalarilk wears and that makes them easily manipulated by their mentor. For Stigma, it is urgent to counter this deadly threat. He unleashes a fierce hunt and despite the protection of the other heroes of Earth, Shy decides to withdraw and no longer use his powers. But Amalarilk does not give up easily and multiplies the operations. For the heroes, it is necessary to multiply, for Shy, to learn new abilities while the mystery around the rings thickens and Stigma reveals a new asset.
League of heroes vs legion of villains
The richness of Shy's universe is revealed again in this opus rich in revelations and characters. Indeed, new heroes appear: that of Greece, India or Thailand. Presented in the previous volume, they are entitled to a real development insisting as much on their power as their intimate life, their doubts, their hobby. This 11th volume continues the tradition of the shift by offering us an improbable and hilarious karaoke session, an opportunity for the author to humanize his young characters. Adversaries are also entitled to significant development. Bukimi Miki reveals a little more about their past, especially their childhood. The reader suspected that they were living with significant trauma. The story takes a closer look at their itinerary as if to announce that Stigma's grip can be defeated. This gives the narrative a new strength, especially in the clashes between the two sides. The reader feels all the accumulated frustration of his servants of Evil and all the dilemma of the heroes in their will to bring them back to the light.
The Mysteries of Shy
This 11th volume while offering long passages centered around the other heroes offer amazing revelations about Shy and his powers. Indeed, from the first pages, we learn a lot about Shy's sister, Shine, the previous superheroine of Japan, now disappeared. She seems to be the opposite of her sister: strong, a leader at heart, never doubting. Yet his drama still shrouded in the unknown, his personality, give us a glimpse of heartbreaking choices and terrible sacrifices. The other mystery surrounding Shy concerns both his powers and his connection to the heart. His extreme sensitivity as a human would explain the power of his superhero power. Wouldn't this be one of the keys to the universe of this manga? Man and hero are interconnected through two opposite universes. What is a weakness in the real world turns into power in the superhero world. And everything seems to indicate that our heroine has only glimpsed the true nature of her power.
Here comes a new challenger
As the story progresses, the threat becomes clearer. Stigma finally comes out of its reserve at the end of this volume. The one of whom we know nothing yet but whose shadow hovers over our heroine since the first volume risks a confrontation with our heroes. What does he have in mind? What ties unite him with Shy? The character is so devious that we shudder at the idea of the trap he has concocted for our heroes. Another threat is embodied through the rings. What are these artifacts really? Inhibitors, catalysts or liberators? All these questions revolve around the character of Iko, one of the first victims of Stigma's machinations. Thanks to Shy, she was able in volume 1 to break the spell of the ring. Nevertheless, she remains strangely linked to her rings. And this volume 11 reminds us of this with a bang by questioning, brilliantly, everything we think we know. Iko and these rings seem destined to play a big role. This volume 11 continues the flawless work achieved by the Shy series from the beginning. Change of tone, variation of rhythm, cleverly dosed revelation, Bukimi Miki master the narration to the perception to keep our curiosity intact.