Jurassic World 2: A first image of the film unveiled!


Shortly after the start of filming Jurassic World 2, a first image filtered on the web. Its director, Juan Antonio Bayona, spoils fans of the franchise with a first shot that plunges us directly into the atmosphere of the first parts.

From a cinematic point of view, the Spanish filmmaker should put this sequel on the right track. Just take a look at his filmography to identify his strengths. His latest film, Quelques Minutes après Minuit, which gave pride of place to the fantastic, highlighted a remarkable artistic direction.

Bayona also likes to immerse us in the eyes of children as we can see in her previous productions like The Orphanage, The Impossible. This image remains in the same line since we see a child alone in a museum full of dinosaur skeletons. 

The cast of the second part is good since in addition to the two stars of the first film, Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Bryce Dallas Howard (Black Mirror), prestigious names such as the daughter of Charlie Chaplin (Geraldine) and James Cromwell have been added.

Jurassic World 2 should be released in the summer of 2018 under the Universal banner.