The Titans' attack returns to Pika with new features!


The end of the year promises to be titanic at Pika with new content for the saga of Hajime Isayama!

While waiting for the third season of the anime of Attack of the Titans scheduled for April 2018, the saga continues its way in France with the release of 3 books before the new year!


October 11, 2017: Attack on Titan – Anthology


When the Americans seize the phenomenon of titans, it gives this anthology! Short stories, illustrations, sketches… several big names of the Comics scene have worked on this book like Scott Snyder (Batman, American Vampire), Gail Simone (Batgirl), Paolo Rivera (Daredevil, Amazing Spider-Man)! 250 color pages where different graphic styles mingle with a common goal: to pay tribute to the title of Hajime Isayama!


SNK PIKA Anthology


An excerpt is proposed by Pika here.


October 18, 2017: Attack of the Titans – Before the Fall


If the fortress city still stands, it is undoubtedly thanks to its enclosures, but the survival of Men outside its walls is thanks to an invention that we no longer present: the three-dimensional maneuvering device! Fourth light-novel after Lost Girls, Harsh Mistress and Hope of the city, Before the fall is set 70 years before the main series to show us how this invention essential to survival in this hostile universe was created.  

SNK before the Fall Pika


An excerpt from this novel is available!


November 15, 2017: Attack on Titan – Answers


Third guide-book after Inside and Outside, it's the turn of Answers to arrive at home. On the program, exclusive interviews with Hajime Iseyama who develops some revelations from the first 22 volumes of the series. You can also find in this book character analyses, diagrams, maps and even family trees, useful for a better understanding of the universe of Attack on the Titans. 

SNK answers PIKA


An excerpt from Attack on the Titans Anwers is available!


With these new releases, the second strongest license of the moment of Pika (after Fairy Tail) shows that it has a bright future ahead of it and the French publisher relies more and more on its derivative works. At the end of the year, the saga will have 23 volumes, 4 spin-offs, 3 guidebooks, 4 novels and even a coloring book and an Attack in Tokyo event this year or an older one in Kawasaki 3 years ago… What to give gift ideas for the end of year celebrations …