[Report] Eurockéennes 2018 – On Friday, legends are invited!


Friday at the Eurockéennes 2018 was an exceptional day that saw legends of rock and music. Let's take a look back at this memorable day!

Back to the site of Malsaucy, which dries slowly but surely. Boots and big shoes remain mandatory and we keep rain gear not far away, just in case. But to our great satisfaction, not a drop will fall that day!

The day begins with shouts of joy under the Greenroom marquee that welcome the victory of the France while the concerts begin on the beach.

We, far from the screens, had an appointment with Nakhane to exchange a few words about his music.

Interview with Nakhane

Our girl

Rock? More than that… Pop garage. Style as singular as the population mix of this Friday. The public, not yet recovered from the last goals of the World Cup, has just arrived at the festival or finally decides to take an interest in something other than football. It is therefore timidly that Our Girl tries to warm up the festival-goers who came to listen to them. For their first in France and at the Eurockéennes I think that this British trio did not have the welcome deserved but the sporting circumstances did not play in their favor. In any case, for those who were able to see their concert, the music was excellent!

©OUR_GIRL_LA_PLAGE Matthieu Vitré


He exceptionally handed over the pink suit he was wearing when we first met. Nakhane gracefully enters the stage to interpret the titles of his latest album: You Will Not Die. We dance to Interloper and Clairvoyant; we let ourselves be carried away by the sweetness of Presbyteria and Fog. As expected, he manages to easily seduce the public who does not yet know him. It is difficult to be objective, as we love the simplicity and natural elegance of this artist, but vocally and musically, the concert was irreproachable. For the rest, it was necessary to take the charm of Nakhane.

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Interview with Nakhane

Among the festival-goers of this Friday, we could distinguish two very distinct communities, which meet little, but which it was pleasant to see reunited. On one side the metalheads wearing the t-shirts of their favorite bands; on the other, glitter and rainbow banner, LGBT friendly, who came in large numbers at the call of Beth Ditto, director of programming on the stage of the Beach.

Michelle David & The Gospel Sessions

First title and it's already madness on stage as in the audience. The brass lights shine in the sun and Michelle David dances on stage. This singer, whom we had the pleasure of meeting backstage as she prepared for her concert, lives her music to the fullest. It is soul that speaks to everyone and flows like a matter of course in all bodies. Michelle David talks about love and the importance of coming together as in this festival around music: Whether with frenzied Rhythm and Blues or with a languorous slow the current passes wonderfully between her and the festival-goers whose feet can no longer stop. We leave it with regret to join the next concert.

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Interview with Michelle David

Nothing But Thieves

Our darlings are on the big stage and shake the Eurockéennes with the powerful titles of their two albums. We arrive just in time to listen to the second half of their set with titles like Particles and the inevitable Sorry and Amsterdam. They also surprise us with a cover of Immigration Song by Led Zeppelin to the delight of the oldest who know the lyrics by heart. The real ones know as they say! But there is no denying that this performance is a real success and it is with some excitement that we run to join them backstage for an interview.

Interview with Joe Langridge-Brown and Philip Blake of Nothing But Thieves

Beth Ditto

The beach is full of people to welcome the diva Beth Ditto accompanied by her gang. It is she who took possession of this stage for this year and the programming of the day is of her own. She invited all these friends and we thank her. It is the LGBT culture that is highlighted. She recalls it with pride and says she can't wait to see Kiddy Smile on stage. His setlist oscillates between the long-awaited Gossip hits and those of his first solo album that make festival-goers dance. A pure moment of communion at sunset and a big moment of emotion perceptible in the crowd with the title We Could Run. She takes the opportunity to put into practice her French, which she considers bad. We find that it improves with each concert and we salute the effort! As usual, she will not fail to make us laugh with her humor and good humor. She also had a surprise in store for us: a cover of Under The Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Prophet Of Rage

If their music evokes a touch of madness, it was a merry mess in front of the big stage. We go from a bouncy Hip hop specific to Cypress Hill to fusion metal worthy of Rage Against The Machine. With a stage play that ignites the audience, the group does not fail to remind why it exists. The proof with the message written behind the guitar with which Tom Morello plays (with his teeth): Fuck Trump! The public… It doesn't take much for them to keep up with them. It must be said that since the victory of the France, festival-goers are at the cleat. It is with their feet in the mud, left by the torrents of rain of the day before, that everyone jumps cheerfully.

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Leon Bridges

Quieter and more colorful atmosphere with Leon Bridges. His vintage music made of disarming melody warms hearts and moves bodies: it dances gently and smiles illuminate faces. We take a dose of warmth and good humor before heading to the front of the main stage for the next concert.


Nine Inch Nails

For nothing in the world we would not have missed the concert of Nine Inch Nails. Since the release of Bad Witch we couldn't wait to see them in concert. This third EP (identified as an album) closes the trilogy started with Not The Actual Events. In the end, we will hear few titles of this opus and it is a real Best of that we will savor for 1h20. Almost every album will go there: from The Day The World Went Away to Piggy , Shit Mirror and God Break Down The Door. Trent Reznor will pay tribute to David Bowie with Affraid Of American and will also sing Burn from the soundtrack of Natural Born Killer. An impressive show highlighted by a hallucinating play of lights and which will end in a very moving way on the inevitable Hurt.


It is by passing in front of FFF and on the Beats de Sophie that we leave the festival, to better come back the next day.

A Thursday at the Eurockéennes 2018

A Saturday at Eurockéennes 2018

A Sunday at the Eurockéennes 2018