In 2007, the adventures of The Simpsons, the most famous family in America, were released on the big screen. More than 10 years later, the hope of a sequel to this cult feature film finally points the tip of its nose.
Good news for fans of The Simpsons: a sequel to the first film inspired by the series should see the light of day. Initially announced a year after the first installment by series creator Matt Groening, the project never came to fruition. Theproject is currently under development in the studios of Fox, according to the Wall Street Journal which published Friday, August 10 an investigation into the acquisition of 20th Century Fox Film by Disney. Stacey Snider, president of Twentieth Century Fox Film, is reportedly in negotiations with Disney regarding various adaptations:
"An adaptation of the animated series Bob's Burgers, a second movie for The Simpsons and a movie about Family Guy that would mix animation and real filming."
This news confirms the words of producer Al Jean, who had already given news of the Simpson family in the newspaper Entertainment Weekly:
" We are at the stage of early development. I take tweezers on many things. I do not want it to create budgetary risks and I do not want to do something just for the money. I would like it to be a good film. I personally won't need a second film until it's good."
A sequel that finally does not surprise given the international success of the first film, hasvec more than 527 million dollars collected at the box office world. There was Homer's small family, who, due to his usual blunders, pollute Lake Springfield. Alerted by the seriousness of the facts, an environmental protection agency then quarantined the small town, locking it under a giant dome. The enraged inhabitants then attack the Simpsons, who have no choice but to flee to Alaska.
Many antics are to come, but unfortunately no date has been mentioned. The release could even be delayed, given that Al Jean had specified that the sequel would probably not arrive before the end of the series. While the thirtieth season is scheduled for September, it is impossible to know for the moment how many seasons will be made before allowing film production. A feature film in sight, at the cost of the end of a series that seems immortal…