How to prevent electrostatic discharge from destroying electronic products?


ESD (eletrostatic discharge) is the electrical phenomenon that occurs when two bodies with different charges meet. This exchange of electrons, creates a barely visible electric discharge. Although necessary in computing, an electronic component that receives too much discharge can quickly be damaged. We explain how to find the solution to avoid this problem?

ESD an everyday phenomenon:

ESD, "electrostatic discharge", is a term used in physics to define the discharges of electricity that occur when two materials come into contact. An exchange of electrons takes place between two bodies during which they charge, one of the bodies gains electrons while the other loses. This encounter creates an electric shock.

We have all had this unpleasant experience at one time or another, because this phenomenon occurs in our daily lives, for example by taking off your sweater, brushing your hair or touching the handle of a door. If these discharges remain unnoticed we can still feel them from 3000 Volts, hear them at 5000 V and see them at 10,000 V.

In computer science, ESD is often used by electronic devices, during the physical transfer of quantities of materials from one surface to another, it is the same process at the interface and discharges if they are too recurrent, become problematic.

The consequences, at this time, are irreversible for electronic components, because electrostatic discharge endangers the functionality of your electronic products. We are talking about a total failure. How many times have you had malfunctioning devices that you stopped using, if at all?

Fortunately, each problem has its own solution! And when it comes to electronic components, nothing is more important than anticipating; In other words, "PROTECT". This will take away unnecessary additional costs.

What solutions against ESD?

Basically, it should avoid the creation of fillers, or else protect with specific packaging for external components. In computing, programming routing can be a PCB solution blog-of-print-out-design-PCB

 The means of prevention exist and many specialized sites give practical solutions on this subject.