Lana del Rey explosively announces the release of her new album!


Lana del Rey posted this Thursday a publication on her Instagram account, to express herself on a subject that seemed important to her. The American singer has combined the announcement of the release date of her future album with a monumental rant.

A post that denounces

The artist claims her right to make music as she sees fit and not by conforming to other singers of our generation. In the first lines of her text, she does not hesitate to attack Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello or Beyoncé to denounce her detractors. She has this to say:

"I'm fed up with indie singers who say I glamorize abuse when I'm really just a glamorous person singing about the realities of emotionally abusive relationships that are prevalent around the world." She goes on to explain that she would like to be able to sing "without being crucified or accused of glamorizing abuse." But it doesn't stop there. She conveys a message to feminists:

" Let me be clear, I'm not against feminists, but there has to be a place in feminism for women who look like me and act like me. The kind of woman who says no but men hear yes."

His name is trending on Twitter and the reviews are highly controversial. Critics are flowing as her fans defend her. A buzz that allows him at the same time to talk about his future album.

A new album coming soon

Through this post, Lana del Rey, takes the opportunity to announce us some good news. His next album will be available on September 5, 2020. This will be his seventh opus which will be released a little more than a year after his album Norman Fucking Rockwell!. It was the successor to her album Lust for Life, which she had also promoted on social media. We let you wait until early September with the sweet melodies of his latest album.

Lana Del Rey – Doin' Time