The Cyber Festival of Animation: the online festival of DNA!


Because of the health crisis, many companies and artists have been forced to postpone or even cancel planned gatherings. As a result, concerts, fairs, events and gatherings could not see the light of day. The DNA platform then transforms the problem into a solution by creating the Cyber Festival of Animation. 

DNA Festival; What are we talking about?

From 17 to 19 July, the ADN platform is organizing a cyber festival. It's the same as a classic festival except that here, it's online. You will be able to find the event for free on ADN's Twitch account, react in real time on the Twitter page and follow the festival on all other DNA networks. It's a good way to bring together fans of japanimation and Japanese culture. A good alternative following the cancellation of the Japan Expo. adn The Cyber Festival of Animation: the online festival of DNA!

The festival program:

The ADN Festival is divided into 3 acts spread over the 3 days of the event. And the least we can say is that the program is very intensive. Between talk shows, manga, interviews and other gaming sessions, you won't have time to get bored for a second. Add to that all the guests that we let you discover here. In conclusion, ADN manages to compensate for the damage caused by Covid-19 by allowing fans to meet for free at this festival. The event is likely to be rich in twists and turns. And if you ever want to dive back into your old favorite manga, the Crunchyroll platform organizes a marathon of Dragon Ball Z movies!