Batman Creature of the night, when the nightmare of thugs becomes reality.


Batman helps young Bruce find his parents' killers. But is it really Batman? Batman creature of the night, written by Kurt Busiek and drawn by John Paul Leon. The synopsis is simple but effective: it all begins in 1968 where little Bruce Wainwright loses both his parents in a burglary that goes wrong. His great-uncle Alfred becomes his only relative and manages the money left by his parents. This is the genesis of all Batman, pretty much, you will tell me. Yes, but, because there is a but. Batman exists in this world but in comics, just like for us, and little Bruce is a big fan of this superhero.

Between dream and reality

There are many coincidences and it will make the young orphan's head spin. He will be even more confused when Officer Gordon asks him if he has seen or remembers anything. It could have ended there, but a strange creature seeks revenge for the death of the Wainwright parents, and this creature closely resembles Batman, Bruce's favorite hero. A strange bond seems to bind them, Bruce can see what his new friend is doing, and he will use it to conduct the investigation. batman creature de la nuit vf Batman Creature of the night, when the nightmare of thugs becomes reality. Kurt Busiek brilliantly directs these four books, grouped in a single volume.Already accustomed to this exercise in style with Superman – secret identity, Busiek manages with subtlety to carry us into this universe of "hero who ignores himself". He develops, with the help of two narrators, Alfred and Bruce, two distinct points of view on the same story. This allows the characters to grow, both through age and their psychology. There is also this Batman who appears without us really knowing where he comes from and protects Bruce throughout the years.

A drawing rich in detail and mastery

John Paul Leon is impressive in his stroke. At the beginning of the comic we may think that the faces are too little expressive but this impression disappears after a few pages. We then discover the whole range of emotion that he could convey only with his drawings. We must also talk about his Batman which is much scarier than the various representations we have for years, this effect is surely due to the mystery that surrounds this character but also to the execution of Leon's boards that manages to make this hero scary. batman creature 4 Batman Creature of the night, when the nightmare of thugs becomes reality. In summary Batman creature of the night is a comic that must be in its comic library. If you like Batman stories that are out of the ordinary or continuity, if you prefer series in one volume rather than those on several, or if you know little about the Batman universe, I strongly advise you to buy it. It is also a very good book for aficionados of the franchise who will enjoy the links made with the story of the Dark Knight.