Berlin will be our tomb: prestigious but desperate feats of arms


Volume 1 of Berlin will be our tomb – Neuköln "What to hope for when the world goes crazy… Movies, series and books that tell the story in the camp of the usual victims are plethoric. But what about the Waffen SS division Charlemagne, a French collaborationist division that will strive to defend the evanescent ruins of the German capital and that will toil at the very end of the war? A division that has seen, to my knowledge, no other adventure on any media whatsoever, as obscured by history. And it is more particularly on this period that Berlin will be our grave. As for the drawings, they are beautiful when they represent bombings or shootings.

Volume 2 – Furia francese "The smell of the dead mingle with the cries of raped women"

How to describe the highly heroic exploits but helping the German occupier? Could they be fervent devotees of dictatorship? We will still not know more about the motivations of the commitment of these French to the Reich which remain obscure at the end of this second volume; Which is a shame. The Russians advance and rape at will. Michel Koeniguer infuses pleasure into the scenario and drawings, especially when he represents fires or strafing.

Volume 3 – The last pagans "Some French who was in Berlin in 1945"

Michel Koeniguer having died during the construction of the album, it is a replacement who will take over and it is remarkable as we do not notice, the drawings remain sublime and identical by changing hands. If not by conviction, it is by the force of fate that a soldier engages because we finally have a clarification on the belligerence of at least one of them. As the Germans flee the fall of the millennial Reich, it is amusing to observe that the most recalcitrant to an ostentatious defeat were foreigners in an unknown capital.