Review of Shy, Volume 2: The Awakening of the Force


Shy, a newcomer to Kana's 2021 catalogue, made a low-key but sensational entry into the list of works to watch. In this second volume, Bukimi Miki continues to offer us a superhero story that dusts off the genre and takes us to the guts.

Reminder of the facts

Teru Momijiyama is an extremely shy and reserved teenager, for whom social relationships are an ordeal. But she is also the heroine of Japan, Shy! Filled with doubts about her abilities, comparing herself (unfavorably) to other world heroes such as Spirits, heroine of Russia, or Stardust, hero of England, she nevertheless manages to overcome her fears and defeat Stigma, a child with dark and powerful powers. But this mysterious enemy has not said its last word…

Shy with a fiery heart

We had left Shy at the end of the first volume, reassured after Iko's rescue and her victory over Stigma. Nevertheless, his power seems very weak in the face of the possibilities of this mysterious antagonist. This is in any case the conclusion of Stardust and Unilord, the mysterious supervisor of heroes. The first then offers Teru/Shy a confrontation in single combat, which will sign the end of her life as a heroine if she loses! More than just a hand-to-hand combat, the duel between Shy and Stardust allows Bukimi Miki to confront two visions. Is the figure of the superhero defined by his power alone or by his capacity for empathy? Does it become a hindrance when it comes to confronting cruel enemies, even if it means killing them or being killed? Do we have to renounce our humanity to be a savior? The violence of the fight between Shy and Stardust takes us to the heart, as does their iron will. Despite the blows, Shy does not give up and opposes Stardust's coldness to his heart burning with love and empathy. Going to the end of her strength, the girl reveals herself, opening the heart of the unsympathetic Englishman.

Ordinary heroes

This second volume of Shy is also an opportunity for Bukimi Miki to deploy all his talent as a storyteller. The rise in tension is accompanied by the rise in power of the characters. By unveiling their shortcomings, flaws and fears, the mangaka anchors them in a reality that resonates with their double life. The heroes of Shy are not placed on a pedestal. When they abandon their metamorphosis bracelets or when their heart reaches its limits, they become simple civilians again, subject to the turpitude of everyday life… very human. The strength of this manga is therefore largely due to its characters. Each reader can identify with it, and therefore invest all the more at their side. This volume is an opportunity for Bukimi Miki to dig into everyone's past. The few clues sown by the mangaka tickle our interest. It is particularly interesting to look for links between the "power of the heart" of each of the heroes and what we know about their experience. Seeing Shy evolve and bring out his power is particularly moving. The slice-of-life sides are not left out, and demonstrate that being a hero is not just fighting with immeasurable powers. A simple act of selflessness and kindness can have as much force as the victory of a great and noisy battle. The antagonists are just as searched. Stigma, of course, whose innocence is tinged with chilling perversity, seems particularly formidable. If his goal is to "reveal the true heart" of people, his methods are particularly devious, as is his view of the world and the heroes who guard it. We witness the strengthening of his aura and the creation of his group, Amalarilk: "those who dream". But what is this dream? Hope and despair mingle in the hearts of its members, like Tsveta, the girl with the powers of ice. Even as Shy and Pepesha prepare for a tough fight, it seems that a heavy secret is about to be revealed… and Tsveta could be the key!

The power of the line

Shy is an exciting work in many ways. Volume 1 gave us a glimpse of it; the second reinforces its impact. Drawing is powerful and able to give us chills with a look or an attitude. The cutting, always controlled, is as fluid as a film, flooding us with action before blowing us away with full punchy pages. Bukimi Miki does not miss any detail and skilfully juggles between chiseled features and a more loose hand in moments of humor. Every event, even the most subtle, has its importance and affects the evolution of the characters and the story. Shy is a work that takes its reader and makes him go through the whole range of emotions. We laugh, we cry, we shout, we tremble, in the face of the trials that Teru and his companions have to face. It is even difficult to hate the members of Amalarilk, because none of them are the archetype of the sadistic and inhuman antagonist. The mangaka explores with equal attention the past and the fate of the heroes as well as their enemies. There is no divide between good guys and bad guys, and that's what makes this work so profound. In conclusion, Shy continues his journey with power and panache, offering us as the pages go by an innovative and complex story. Several levels of reading are discovered and reinforce the aura of these endearing characters. We can't wait to share with you the rest of this adventure! You can read an excerpt from Volume 1 here !