Harry the Potted at the Gymnasium Theatre


There is something fascinating about magic even after having lost a good part of your child's soul. I propose today a small return on a magic show for children, that of Harry L'empoté at the theater of the gymnasium. A magic show for children in three parts, Harry l'Empoté is first of all interaction with the public, explanations of magic tricks that can be redone so easily at the house of humor. Clearly, a very nice moment. harry empote magie pour toutes les occasions 673832 Harry the Potted at the Gymnasium Theatre The explanations of all are in my opinion the main originality of the show, explaining simple and yet effective tricks such as that of making scarves appear in a newspaper. It is a show for the little ones. Having had the chance to attend like many to a show of this style when I was myself a child, I still have very good memories of it today, it must be the same for children today. We can only recommend this show if you are looking for family outings to do. Especially if you are accompanied by small children.