Christophe Alévêque resumes his show Vieux Con? at the Café de la Gare in Paris from 04/10 every Tuesday at 9pm. We advise you to go and discover him on stage, he does not mince his words by saying all the bad he thinks of the time. Christophe Alevêque hates the time so much that he wonders if he has not become an Old Con. After the Théâtre du Rond-Point, he invests the Café de la Gare in Paris from October 04, 2022 every Tuesday at 9pm. He is said to be cynical, he is tender. We say it loudly, no doubt, because he does not have his tongue in his pocket and 'it feels so good'. 'He just says out loud what people are thinking out loud.' With a keen eye on society, Christophe Alévêque is simply tremendously talented. Christophe Alévêque, in this new opus, enters into the fight against the meandering, the ambient hypocrisy, the smoothing of thought. A defender of freedom, with a sharp mind, adept at pleasure against censorship, his favorite target is the tyranny of benevolence that has no limits. Neither did he. Christophe Alévêque is a committed comedian, he defends freedom of expression and in this show, he demonstrates that "One can be old con and modern at the same time". He has become a father and wonders how to explain to his 2-year-old son what world he will live in. Christophe Alévêque is fed up and he says so. After the two years of health crisis, he can no longer stand the world of the Bisounours, the right-thinking, the fact of being infantilized. He's fed up. Christophe Alévêque denounces the fact that we can no longer do anything, nor drink, nor get drunk (non-alcoholic beers), nor eat, nor smoke, nor let go. At the Café de la Gare in Paris from 04/10/2022, every Tuesday at 9pm. Ticket office. Café de la Gare 41 rue du Temple 75004 Paris Here is the trailer of Vieux Con? :