Portrait: Lo Bailly, the power of words


With great sensitivity and strong texts tinged with naturalism, the musical universe of the Belgian artist Lo Bailly can only touch his listener in the heart. As the release of his 1st album Prosaïque approaches, he answers our questions. Please introduce yourself. I'm Lo Bailly, I'm from Brussels, I'm Franco-Belgian, I've been making music for a while. I released my first EP 2 years ago and this year I'm releasing my first album. Can you tell me about your background? I don't come from a family of musicians at all, I started the piano a bit by chance. There was an old synth lying around my parents' house and I turned it on one day, and I got a taste for it. And little by little I started to want to learn songs that I liked, that's how I understood how the songs were composed, what are the first basic strings of the music. One thing led to another and I also started electronic production a little later. The pleasure of writing I chopped at the same time as the passion for music and the piano, I started quite quickly in my adolescence to write things, and very naturally I put the two together. You're really self-taught, in the end. Yes, rather self-taught. I had some first basics where I was explained what a chord is, how to put your fingers on a piano but otherwise for the rest I learned everything by myself yes. Precisely I wanted to ask you what relationship you have to words because in your work it is what stands out the most, you have very strong words that are very well chosen, very accurate… For me it's a little bit the main thing so it's nice that you tell me that. It's true that to release a piece I need to be convinced by the text that goes on it, if I find the instrument great but I have the impression that my words ring hollow it will not come out. I grew up listening to MC Solar, IAM, Damien Saez. These are artists for whom writing is central. Dionysus too, I think the narrative side of the stories I tell has to come a little bit from that. I love to search, when I hear a word either that I do not know or that I know and that tilts in my head I will write it down somewhere and over the days, weeks, months sometimes years even, I will continue to scratch around, try to develop a little ideas, to have a plot until telling something. And some themes are important to you? In my project I often talk about a kind of escape, wanting to leave the place where you are but at the same time being very afraid to leave this place, so I think there is a psychological paradox at this level. So yeah, the search for something better with the fear of leaving what you already have, the fear of the unknown. I also really like to start with characters, create characters and do a narrative around them trying to make the thing as imagery as possible, really try to make sure that we can visualize what I'm saying, whether it's like a painting. Have you ever been interested in other forms of writing such as poetry, short stories, novels? No, not yet. I think that in what I write there is a form that can approach the news. The novel does not, yet as I grow up I take more and more the taste of reading, whereas before I was a lazy of reading. In my opinion it will come one day but I think that for now I do not have the patience to write long stuff. The things I write are pretty short and stand like that for now. Do you consider your work existentialist? In the sense that it makes you think about life, why you are there and how you feel the weight of existence. It speaks to me thoroughly. The term that comes to me more spontaneously is a form of naturalism a bit like Stendhal in Red and Black. Naturalism, starting on reality. I also listen to ego trip music, I am also very consumer of this kind of artistic projects. But it is true that I in my project prefer to have a form of honesty about the person I am, the world around me and I find meaning in what I do by telling myself that it is a bit of a testimony of the world in which I live ; Then I tell myself that each artist is never more than a testimony of the world in which they are. How do you feel about the release of your album? I'm too excited, I'm too hot. I received the first vinyl template a few days ago so I'm like crazy. I'm too looking forward to it. The album Prosaïque will be available on April 21st. Lo Bailly will be in concert on May 3rd on the occasion of the festival Les Nuits Botaniques at La Rotonde in Brussels. Follow Lo Bailly on social networks Facebook Instagram TikTok